Lake Louise – Chapter 7

Thursday and Friday were like a renaissance for Steve and Kayla.  The buildup of darkness had been trapped inside them for too long; and, once they really told the truth (mainly to themselves), it was like the world had suddenly saturated with color that they’d forgotten was there.  Every one of their five senses felt so much more alive than they had in years.  Food tasted better, the scent of the air was impossibly pure, the trees were deeper shades of green, smiles were derived by the simple sounds of their voices, and they reveled in the feel of the other’s touch.  It was like with the release of their demons they’d lit a fire in their joy.

Steve and Kayla also had a sixth sense that wasn’t guaranteed to everyone; the bond of soulmates.  And it was its reawakening that had now lit their sex drive on fire.

Whereas the previous week and a half’s lovemaking had been spent searching for validation, these two days were a rediscovery and about the physical expression of how much they loved each other.  And they did that expressing more in those next two days than they had in some of their busier months.  In the morning when they woke up, in the dark of night, and several random hours in between.  In every corner of the room, and on several pieces of furniture not exactly designed for that purpose.  The more sex they had, the more of it they wanted.  Sometimes it was sexy and hot, other times it was tender and sweet, most of the time it was somewhere in between, but all of the times were filled with soul-nurturing love for each other.

“What’s gotten into us, Sweetness?” Steve panted after their third romp of the day Friday afternoon.  “When did we regress into horny teenagers?”  Kayla was so heady from the oxytocin spikes after so many orgasms in a row that Steve had managed to give her that she could barely form words.  Steve laughed, because his wife sounded positively drunk.  “I think you’ve had one too many, baby,” he said.

“I had one glass,” Kayla barely eked out from where she laid across Steve’s chest.

“Nah, I’m talkin’ about having me.  You’ve had one too many of me.  I counted three,” he said proudly. 

“Four,” she corrected.

“Really?  Not sure when you snuck another one in there, I can usually feel it when you’re shakin’, baby.

Kayla smiled.  “And, by the way, there’s no such thing as too much of you.”

Steve picked his head up off the pillow to kiss the top of Kayla’s head.  “But I’m a guy, Kayla.  My dick has been hard more than it hasn’t.  Aren’t I too old for that now?”

“Maybe we are horny teenagers.  Our bodies woke up in the 70’s.”

“It was that hotel.  We got confused with all that wood paneling.”

They delighted in the traded humor, but deep down, they knew it was their shared sixth sense compelling them to love each other with the constant flow of physical connection.

“Wanna go skinny dipping?” Steve asked.

“Um, that’s a hard no, Mister,” Kayla replied.  There’s people everywhere.”

“We found some alone time in that rowboat last week.”

“It was like eleven at night!”

“We can get it on in the water at night,” he continued this hounding pretense.

Steve, that water is so freezing that you won’t be able to overcome the shrinkage before you die of hypothermia.”

Steve rolled them over quickly.  “That’s a naughty girl, Sweetness,” he scolded her as he started kissing her neck relentlessly.  “You just accused him of shrinkage right in front of him.”  Kayla giggled as he added some fondling to his kisses.  “You need to be punished, now.”  But Steve got an idea while he punished her.

The next day was Saturday, July 25th, and Kayla woke up with her head nestled in the crook of Steve’s neck.  The moment she did she smelled his familiar scent and smiled.  She burrowed her head into him and let out a sleepy sigh.  As she started to come more fully awake she leaned up on her elbow and just watched him sleep.  She was so happy to be with him.  So grateful that they’d found their way back to each other.   

Steve opened his eye to see hers looking down on him.  “What are ya doin’?” he asked groggily.

“Watching you,” she said.

“Keepin’ an eye on what’s yours?”


“Come’ere,” he said pulling her back to his side.  “I sleep better when you’re lyin’ next to me.”

“Only for a minute, we have a big day ahead of us.”

Steve groaned.  “It feels like 5am.”

“It’s a little after seven.”  She patted his chest in encouragement when he groaned again.  “Ok,” she cooed, “another couple minutes.”

“Baby, once I wake up it’s gonna take us more than a couple minutes.”

“Would you cut it out,” she chuckled, “plenty of time for that.  Come on now, up and at ‘em.”

Steve gave up and yawned before turning to lean on his opposite arm to face her.  “It’s still early, Sweetness, so, what, did you make plans or somethin’?”

“Yes, I did.” 

Steve did a double take.  “Wait, you did?”

“Mm-hmm.  You know why?”

A smile slowly spread across his face.  “You know what today is, don’t you?”

Kayla nodded.  “I could never forget.”

“We’ve had a few of these, Sweetness.”

“But this is the one I count most.”

“Me, too.”  Steve brought her lips to his by a finger under her chin and kissed her sweetly.  “Happy Anniversary,” he said.

“Happy Anniversary,” she replied, sweetly.  “Do you know what the traditional gift is for a 32nd anniversary?”

“There’s a traditional gift for that?”

“Well, according to Google, anyway.”

“Well, then it must be true,” he jibed.

“Apparently it’s the ‘modern’ gift,” she air quoted with one hand, “as opposed to the ‘traditional,’” she quoted again. 

“I’ve gotta say, I’m usually the one with surprises, but this time ya got me.  What is it?”

Kayla huffed out a little laugh as Steve waited for her to tell him.  “Transportation.”

Steve let out a guffaw, and Kayla joined him.  Of all the things that someone out there made up and decided were the official gifts for these things, nothing could have fit their 32nd anniversary – non-contiguous years notwithstanding – better than transportation.

“So when did you find time to make plans for us?” Steve asked when they finally stopped laughing.

“Yesterday.  Lots of plans.”

“Do they involve what your fingers are doin’ to me under these covers right now?” he asked.

“Oh, you noticed that?”

“Yeah, not sure how I’m supposed to get out of this bed when you’ve made him stand at attention now.”

Kayla smiled like the devil.  “I just want to give you your first anniversary present.”  Then she ducked herself under the covers, wrapped her lips around her husband’s hardened shaft, and transported him to heaven.

An hour later they were sitting side by side in their second anniversary present, on an open-air gondola, slowly sidling up the mountain pass.  In winter it was used as a ski lift, but here in the summertime it was a slow, scenic ride of spectacular views.  It started a very temperate 79 degrees, but it got real chilly real fast.  By the time they got halfway up, they were thankful for their warmer leather jacket and hooded cardigan sweater.  They snuggled up and took in the stunning vistas of truly incredible landscape.  The Victoria Glacier was visible in the distance, its crevices radiating an ice blue from within.  They also couldn’t believe their eyes when they slowly passed over several sets of grizzly bears.  They knew the creatures were there, but to actually see them close enough to look them in the eyes was a new experience for both of them.

They snuggled, talked, and texted more selfies to their kids.  The sounds of families on other chair lifts chattering, laughing, and enjoying themselves made Kayla a little melancholy for the child they had to leave off of their texts.

“I wish we could send these to Joey,” Kayla sad with a soft sigh.

Steve held her tighter around the shoulder.  “We’ll show him when we visit him.”

Kayla nodded and laid her head on Steve’s shoulder.  He held his phone out in front of her when he received their quick replies of hearts, “holy shit Dads,” and OMGs.  Kayla grinned, then they spent the next few moments quietly with their thoughts.

“I wish Tripp was yours,” Steve said suddenly.  His deep voice filled with a heaviness.”

Kayla closed her eyes to the sound of these words on his lips.  She knew he felt this way, but he’d never said it so clearly before.  Kayla looked deeply into Steve’s eye and saw the purity of this wish in his soul.

“I do, Kayla.  I wish he was yours.  I would give a piece of me for him to be your son.”

Kayla palmed Steve’s bearded face in her right palm and curled her fingers into his whiskers.  She held on to his gaze, the smile in her eyes so beautiful.  “He is my son.”

Steve gave her a small nod and swallowed the lump in his throat.  It was the best anniversary gift Steve could get; hearing from her own lips that she loved his child as much as he did.

They enjoyed breakfast at the nature center at the end of their destination, and while tempted to take a small hike to get closer to the glaciers, they settled for the touristy viewing stations this time, their bodies somehow too tired at this point for more adventuring.

Steve noticed that Kayla kept looking at her watch on the way back down and knew there was more on the agenda.  Before Steve even had a chance to ask, she was whisking him away to the hotel shuttle.  Given the summer crowds, Steve was surprised to see only two other couples on it.

“Now is a good time to catch a nap,” Kayla said after he asked her where they were going, “it’ll take about an hour to get there.”  Steve was just flummoxed at this surprise she’d kept pretty darned well at this point.  He nagged her to tell him where they were going.  “I suggessssst,” she teased, “that you get some rest.  You’re going to need your strength.”  Steve leered at her with promise.  In response Kayla grinned like the Cheshire Cat and laid her head back for her own snooze.  Steve finally gave up and did the same. 

Steve sensed their arrival and opened his eye.  When he saw where they were, he really opened it. 

“Alpine Helicopters?!” he whooped.  “Where are we goin’, Sweetness?!”  Kayla was truly delighted to be so thoroughly surprising him. 

They boarded the red and white chopper with another couple.  Kayla saw how excited the young woman was while her boyfriend looked on.  It made her smile with anticipation.  Within minutes they were in the middle of the Canadian Rockies.  Cliffsides were so close they wanted to reach out and touch them.  Only moments later, the helicopter touched down in a clearing of wild grasses and flowers.  Kayla leaned over to communicate with the pilot, and then just she and Steve got out.  They ducked as the pilot led them away from the aircraft, and then Steve was thoroughly confused when the pilot got back into the helicopter and took off. 

“What about the others?” Steve yelled to Kayla over the rotors slicing the air above them.

“They’re doing their own thing.”  Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon!”

The copter disappeared over the mountain pass, and finally the quiet settled upon them.  Now truly alone, Kayla took a moment to look out over their surroundings.  It was exactly as she’d envisioned this.  Snow a gentle blanket over the mountain peaks, while wild foliage grew at their feet.  She pulled her sweater closed around her as the wind blew, but she was so in this moment they were about to have that she didn’t feel cold.

“Sweetness?” Steve called her out of her head.  She looked at him and smiled.  “This is a hell of an anniversary present,” he said. 

“This isn’t the present,” she said.

Steve looked at her sideways.  “What now?”

Kayla kneeled down and picked several of the flowers at her feet.  She held them together and then stood before him.  It was then that he finally understood exactly what she was doing.  “Oh, Sweetness.”

“Steve … I don’t have your ring hanging around my neck.  And I don’t have a way to undo what … those papers … mean.  But, I remember a time when you told me—that we didn’t need all that.  And that we could marry ourselves.  And do you know what you said to me?”  He did, but he couldn’t speak over the tightness of his throat.  All he could do was smile through it and nod.  “You told me how much you loved me.  And that not even death would keep us apart.  And you were right.  Because even through all those years, I felt you here in my heart.  And I was there in yours.”  Steve took her hand and placed it on his heart.  “Steve, I don’t know why life keeps—trying to pull us apart.  Because we were meant to be together.”

“Yes, we were,” Steve rasped.  “We were.”

“Do you remember our little wedding in the snow?” Kayla asked.

“Of course, I do, Sweetness.  It meant more to me kneeling in that snow with you than you could know.”

“It meant the world to me, too.  You said—now and forever.  And it’s still true.  So, will you marry me again in these beautiful mountains?”

“God, Sweetness … You’re so beautiful.”  He leaned over and kissed her.  He pulled back and ran his hand over her smooth, blond hair.  “Yes I will.  In this lifetime, and in the next.  As many times as it takes.”

Kayla let happy tears fall over her lashes as she embraced him inside his leather jacket.  She laid her head on his chest and felt his heart beating warm against her cheek.  Steve was so touched by this gesture he couldn’t help but let his own tears fall, too.  They held each other for some time before Steve started speaking again.

“Kayla Caroline Brady.”

Kayla pulled out of his embrace and held him by his two hands.  “That’s Johnson,” she smiled.”

Steve smiled back.  “Kayla Caroline Johnson.  I have a hard time believing I deserve you.  You’ve always had faith in me that I couldn’t find in myself.  I’ve made vows to you throughout our lives, and I vow them all again.  To love you.  Honor you.  Cherish you.  But this time, I also vow to believe in your faith in me.  And to really honor it.  I never doubted you had it; I just never lived up to it.  I promised I would, but I didn’t.  That changes now.  Another vow I made to you 32 years ago today … right now, in fact … was this: I don’t have much.  But what I have is yours.  I’m yours.  I love you, Sweetness.”

Kayla brushed away her tears as Steve’s vows, then and now, made her feel breathless.  “Steve, you have made my dreams come true.  You have come back to me when I thought you were lost.  And you’ve found me when the lost one was me.  You have slayed the monsters that haunted my nightmares.  And you’ve put my own happiness – and our children’s happiness – before your own.  I do have faith in us.  In you.  And I vow to you now … that I will … trust in your actions, even when I don’t understand them.  I am yours, Steve.  Forever.  I love you.”

The piece of paper didn’t have the right words on it yet.  But, as far as they were concerned, 32 years to day of their first wedding, here in the beautiful landscape that so mirrored what surrounded them when they first vowed themselves unto one another, Steve and Kayla were, again, husband and wife.

They heard the helicopter in the distance on its way back for them.  They held hands, kissed sweetly, and danced slowly to music only they could hear.

“Sweetness,” Steve whispered in her ear as he swayed her back and forth in the small clearing, “that was the most beautiful anniversary gift anyone’s ever gotten on this earth.”

“I love being your wife,” she whispered back.

“Not as much as I love being your husband.”

When the helicopter came back for them, they carefully boarded, and the other couple were now beaming.  “We’re engaged!” the woman said.  She looked younger than Kayla was when she and Steve first met, and she couldn’t help but smile broadly for them.

It was getting late by the time the shuttle returned them to the Fairmont and they finally returned to their room, and this time it was Steve who kept checking his watch.  He noticed Kayla noticing and turned on the charm.

“Just checkin’ the schedule,” he grinned.  “I’ve got a hot date.”

“Oh do you now,” Kayla replied.  She was laying on the bed relaxing as she watched Steve act casual.  “Anyone I know?”

“Pretty sure you do.  I just hope you didn’t plan dinner, because I kind of made this date before I knew you had this whole itinerary goin’.”

“Nope,” Kayla replied nonchalantly, “we’re done with today’s itinerary.”

Steve rubbed his hands together and smiled.  “Ok, so just to be clear, now, Sweetness, you’re the hot date.  Very hot, actually.  And before we go, I’ve got somethin’ for you, too.”

“You do?”

“You think I’d let today go by without somethin’ for my Sweetness?”

Kayla was eagerly surprised.  “I – when did you manage to get something?”

“Maybe at the same time you managed to plan all that,” he angled his head out the window.  He went to his suitcase and dug a small cloth pouch out of it.  It was black and tied with a bright, blue drawstring.  Steve then led Kayla down the spiral staircase and out onto the terrace off the sitting room.  “The last time we were out here it wasn’t so great.”  Kayla dropped her smile and nodded.  “I gave you something like this halfway to Asia.  Now you have another one to match it.  And a better memory for this patio.”  Steve opened Kayla’s hand and placed the small pouch in it.  She looked down at it, then smiled up at him.  “Go on, open it.”

Kayla pulled the gathers of the pouch and poured out a beautiful, blue glass bracelet.  Offsetting the round beads the exact color of the lake outside their room was a single, gold charm in the shape of an anchor.

“Steve,” Kayla breathed.  “It’s so beautiful.”

“You’re still my anchor, Sweetness.  Always.”  Kayla stared at this precious gift.  It was the perfect representation of their reunion here at Lake Louise.  “You like it?”

“I love it!”  She put it on immediately and clasped it to her heart.  “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”

Kayla held Steve around the neck and kissed him.  He opened his mouth to her, letting her tongue seek out his.  They took pleasure in the feel of each other’s lips and pressed their bodies into each other with growing desire. 

Steve was the first to pull away before they got too far into this.  “What time is it?” He looked at his watch then sighed regrettably.  “Ok, we’re gonna have to hurry.”

“Yeah, we will,” Kayla teased as she stroked her hands up and down Steve’s chest.

“Hold that thought,” he said, lifting her hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles.”

“I dunno, I think we could sneak in a quickie.”

“Don’t tempt me, you’re going to want to save up your stamina for your other present.”

Kayla dropped her jaw.  “Another one?! 

Steve caressed her face.  “Sweetness, I don’t think anything will ever top what you gave me on that mountain … but we do have one more thing tonight to give each other.

Kayla raised her eyebrow.  “Maybe we can skip dinner.”


“If it’s what I think we’re giving each other, then yes.  Very eager.”  She kissed him sweetly and palmed his crotch.  “You’re not feeling too old for this, then?”

“Kayla.  Don’t tease your husband.”

“No fair,” she pouted.

“Dinner first.  We’re gonna need the energy.  Just make sure you hydrate.”

Kayla was now thoroughly stumped.  “Hydrate?” she said like it was the most absurd part of the sentence.  “We’d better not be hiking again.”

“Hmm …”


“No spoilers!  Dinnertime.”

Their final dinner here at the hotel was gorgeous.  Light but satisfying and filled with more anticipatory innuendo than either of them thought they had in them.  If it wasn’t about protein, it was about cream. And if Kayla wasn’t licking her lips, then Steve was licking something off his finger.  Eventually, they agreed that maybe they really had turned into horny teenagers, paid the bill, and rushed back to their room to change before catching the last shuttle the two short miles to their last activity here in Banff.

“Ok, I can’t take it, what are we doing?”  Steve shushed her as they stepped off the shuttle.  When they finally went into the building and emerged on the other side of the door, Kayla stared big, wide eyes at Steve.  “Oh … wow.  When did this thing get here?”

“This thing has always been here.”  Literally, a couple millennia.  “You really didn’t know?”  Kayla shook her head.  She really didn’t know. 

The Banff Upper Hot Springs were one of the top attractions in the Canadian Rockies for a reason.  The hot mineral water had been calling to travelers for only a hundred years or so, but the hot spring, itself, was ages old.  The water is heated geothermically from nearly two miles down into the earth’s crust.  It then flows up along a fault in the Sulphur Mountain, the huge fracture allowing for the rock layers to keep the water ultra pure.  The result bubbles up to the surface, keeping the spring hot and steamy.

What made these hot springs very special was the fact that an actual in-ground pool had been built to contain them.  The somewhat hourglass-shaped pool was roughly 30 yards or so across with entry steps and a long ledge across the back for bathers to take a break from the 100-degree water.  Most of the time the hot springs were used by the public in the daytime; but the strategically recessed lighting kept it dark and calm at night with only a minimal amount of light to see just what you need to.

“And as it turns out, Sweetness, you can rent the Hot Springs for private parties.”

Kayla looked from the stunning pool to her surroundings.  “So … you’re saying there’s no one here but us?”

“That’s what I’m saying,” Steve replied. 

“If only I’d brought a swimsuit.”

“Yeah, that’s a real shame,” Steve shrugged. 

“Don’t suppose you’ve got one on under there, either,” she quipped.

Steve shook his head and raised his shoulders in mock bafflement.  “Looks like we’ll get to go skinny dipping, after all.”

“Mm,” she nodded in commensurate acquiescence.  “Well, you know … it has been a long time since I’ve had a bath.”

“Really.  You don’t say.”

“Yep,” she replied.  “And I wouldn’t want to waste this opportunity.  Especially since I hydrated and all.” 

“Well in that case.  Since you hydrated …”  Steve stepped up to his wife and placed a kiss in her palm.  Then he slowly started to undress her.  First her removed her white sweater and placed it over the deck chair beside them.  Then he lowered the thin straps of her flowing, fuchsia sundress over her shoulders and let it pool at her feet.  Kayla stepped out of it, draped her arms around Steve’s neck, and dropped a trail of wet kisses from his ear down to his shoulder.  He reached around to unhook and drop her bra while she alternately sucked and licked, making Steve’s cock strain against his jeans.  He wanted to begin bathing her breasts with his tongue, but he held off, savoring the display. Finally, Steve slipped his palms over the small of Kayla’s back and pulled her into his groin beneath her panties.  Kayla nipped at Steve’s neck in response, pleased with his gasp of arousal.  He pushed the panties down where they joined the dress.  The last thing Steve did was gently remove the new bracelet, as well as his wide, leather watch, placing them safely atop her sweater.

Finally, Kayla stepped back, making sure to give Steve an eyeful of her, stark naked before him.  Steve raked his eye over her with hunger.  Then very slowly, Kayla stepped down into the steamy water.

“Steve?  Do you remember when you found me in those hot springs all those years ago?”

“Oh, I remember, baby.”

“You knew I was naked in there.”

“Sure did.”  He hadn’t moved from his spot and was still watching her.  Kayla sluiced her hands through the hot water, then dripped some over her chest before running her palm over her own breasts.  Steve swallowed hard.  “Do that again, baby.”  She repeated the motion, cupping her breasts more firmly this time before encircling them with her palms.  Steve looked like he wanted to come right there.  It made Kayla release a wet heat that had nothing to do with the water.

“Steve, did you know … how badly I wanted us to make love?  That night in the hot springs?” 

Now Steve was losing his resolve as she dipped her head back into the water to get her hair wet, her breasts prominent as she arched back.  Somehow he found his voice.  “I did,” he nodded.  “I knew.  I wanted you, too.  You don’t know how bad.”

“I was ready to give myself to you that night.”  She let her hand disappear beneath the steam rising off the surface of the water.  “Mmf,” she moaned softly as she touched herself for his benefit; she knew her actions were driving Steve truly wild.  “I would have given myself to you that night.  Do you know why?”  Steve swallowed and shook his head.  “Because I loved you.  I was so in love with you, that it was the only way I could get that love out of me and into you.  To show you just how much.”

“God, baby.”

“When you got in there with me—”

“When you pulled me in?”

“—not sorry,” she quipped.  Steve finally took off his leather jacket and lifted the tee shirt over his head.  “When you got in there with me, it was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced in my life.”  Steve took off his shoes and socks, unbuttoned his jeans and took them off.  Now he stood over her in just his underwear.  “I could feel your penis hard against me.  I knew you wanted me.”

“I’ve never stopped wanting you.”

Kayla bored her eyes into Steve and ran her hands over her naked breasts again.  Her heart beat faster when Steve started breathing more heavily.  “If that search helicopter hadn’t flown overhead and made us run, what would you have done with me in that hot spring?”

Steve lowered his underwear to reveal his hardened length pointing directly at her.  Then he stepped into the pool, sucking in his breath at the heat.  He waded the few steps to his wife, each of them just waist-deep.  He took her in his arms and kissed her with a mad passion that ignited all the parts of Kayla’s body that hadn’t been lit on fire yet.  He parted Kayla’s lips with his tongue and fondled her breasts and her buttocks, and sighed into their kisses when Kayla pressed herself against him.  Her hands roamed the contours of her husband’s body, reveling in the way his skin felt beneath her fingers in the hot water. 

“If that helicopter hadn’t flown by,” Steve finally answered her after tearing himself from her kiss, “I would have told you that I loved you as much as you loved me.  Because I did. I was already yours by then.  I wanted to hear you say the words again.  That you loved me.  And I would have shown you just how much I loved you, too. 

“Show me now.”

“I’ll show you forever, Kayla.”

Steve took his wife into his arms and picked her up, holding her against him in the buoyant water by her bottom.  “I would have held you like this, then leaned you back so I could taste those beautiful tits of yours.”  Kayla grasped onto his waist by her legs and arched her back to give Steve room to do just that.  He sucked Kayla’s breasts into his mouth one at a time, suckling the first relentlessly, then biting lightly at her nipple before moving to the other.  Kayla made little sounds of encouragement before righting herself and readjusting to straddle his thigh.  She couldn’t help rubbing against him.  Steve smiled knowing his hard body was making her feel good.

“I love you so much,” Kayla sighed.  “I would have told you I loved you while you were touching me.”

“How would I have touched you, baby?  How did you want me to touch you?”

“Any way you wanted.  Every way you wanted.” 

The heat was as intense in this hot spring as it was in their first hot spring.  They didn’t know where the fire outside of them ended and the one within them began.  They waded over to the other side of the pool where Steve pinned her against the wall of the ledge before inserting his middle finger inside of her.  “I wanted to touch you like this,” he said lustfully.  Then he fondled her breast, rubbing the pad of his thumb over her nipple.  “And like this.”  He crushed his lips to hers and filled her mouth with his tongue before suckling at her neck.  He knew he had her nearly out of her mind with the triple stimulation he was giving her.  “That’s how I wanted to touch you.”  Kayla was moaning in pleasure, the sexuality vibrating off of her with every one of his strokes.

Kayla threaded her fingers roughly through her husband’s hair.  “I wanted to touch every part of you,” she said.  “Make all of you mine.  Make you feel so good.”

Kayla slipped away from Steve and led him with just her gaze to the low step beside the ledge.  She  guided him to sit upon it, then to lean back.  Supporting himself on straight arms behind him, his cock was pointing nearly straight up when Kayla positioned herself between his legs and took him as fully as she could into her mouth.  Steve was immediately transported to another plane of sexual existence.  He palmed the back of Kayla’s head and moaned out her name as her mouth ravished him, his face twisted into ecstasy.  She licked the length of his shaft, sucked his sensitive tip into her mouth, and fondled his balls.  She could feel his excitement, but before she could bring him any farther, he stopped her.

“Kayla … baby …,” he panted, “it’s so good.  I want you to go down on me again and again.  But I don’t want it to be over yet, and you’re too good at this.”

Without waiting for her to argue, Steve lifted his wife out of the water and onto the ledge.  He swam between her legs, and she let them fall open like a butterfly before he immediately began sucking on her clitoris.  Kayla’s orgasm was seconds away as soon as his mouth was upon her.  She moaned and whimpered and begged him not to stop.

“Come for me!” he commanded between licks, “I wanna see it!”

“Unh … Steve … right there … right there! … don’t stop!”

Kayla shook like a rag doll with his tongue inside her.  She contracted against him, her cum releasing in wet heat.  Steve reveled in the taste of her pleasure before pulling her back into the water.  She could feel in how he held her that he was in a fever of sexual desire.

“I gotta be inside of you.  I wanted to be inside of you back all those years ago, too.”

Kayla loved that she could work him into this kind of frenzy.  “Steve,” she in a low, erotic voice.  “Tell me you love me.”

“I love you.  So damned much.”

“Now show me how you would have made love to me then.”

Steve brought Kayla to the same position over his thigh, but this time he reached down and guided his shaft to Kayla’s center and slid himself inside of her.  She felt so snug around him, the feel of her warmth enveloping him in her love.  They moved together in sync, the water sloshing around them.  They didn’t hold back the sounds of how good it felt, and they couldn’t calm down once their climaxes began. 

“I love feeling you come, Kayla,” Steve panted.  “I love feelin’ you squeeze against me, and I love you.”

“I love you, Steve!  I love when you come inside me!”

Steve thrust his hips up into his wife hard and fast.  Kayla moaned and whimpered and finally stilled.  Then she let out a sound of pure sex as she released, the orgasm throwing her into a sexual intoxication so intense she saw sheets of colors behind her closed eyes.  Steve held back, wanting the same for himself, plus more for her.  Her spasms hadn’t ended before she started rubbing herself over his cock again.  She was overstimulated, but they both knew if they just kept going, her body would reward them with another orgasm.  “Don’t stop,” she managed to whimper as the sensitivity ebbed and the orgasm built.  “Don’t stop!”

“I’ll never stop.  You’re my whole world.  I’ll never stop.”

Moments later Kayla came again, her vaginal muscles pulsing hard around him. 

“I can’t … hold back!” Steve huffed.  “I … have to … come!”

Kayla squeezed her vagina around him and held on as she told him one last time before he came apart, “I love you.  I’m yours!”

Steve released a torrent of cum inside his wife.  He pulsed his seed in rapturous, unspeakable pleasure while she held him.  He buried his face in Kayla’s neck and continued for several more moments, every bit of his seed carrying pieces of his soul.

Kayla lifted Steve’s head to join her lips to his.  They kissed with so much love, because they couldn’t yet find words to speak. 

Finally, Steve pulled out carefully and laid back on the first step of the pool.  Kayla laid next to him, her head nestled against his chest.  They were half submerged in the water, trying to find their strength before they overheated. 

“Sweetness,” Steve said when he caught his breath.  “I’ve never felt so close to you.”  He laced his fingers into hers and played with her hand.  “I wanted to tell you in those hot springs that I loved you.”

“I knew you loved me,” she replied in a voice so sweet it made Steve want to cry.

“But I wanted to tell you.  And I wanted to show you.”

“Hmmp,” Kayla smiled.  “You showed me now.” She said.  “And I’ve never been more in love with you than I am right now.  And forever.”

“And forever,” Steve said.  “Happy anniversary, Sweetness.”

“Steve,” she lovingly cooed at him like it was the most beautiful word in the world.  “Happy anniversary.”

Read The Conclusion: Chapter 8