Lake Louise – Chapter 8

Kayla stood out on the gorgeous stone terrace off their hotel bedroom.  The mountains surrounding them were farther than they appeared, yet she could practically see the pine needles of the firs blanketing the cliff sides.  She breathed in deeply of the fresh scents, then closed her eyes as she slowly exhaled.  She felt such peace.  Her world had been put so truly right again, and part of her wanted to never leave this place.  

She pulled the oversized, terrycloth robe she wore a little tighter against the chill of the early evening.  The sun was low enough on the horizon to fall over the snow on Mount Victoria, as well as the forests of the surrounding mountains in a beautiful, golden glow.  It was that same glow that made Steve smile as it fell over Kayla’s blonde hair, illuminating it like a halo upon her head.

Steve watched his wife for several moments before finally joining her outside on the terrace in the matching robe, his bare feet picking up the coolness of the stone.  She heard the door slide open and turned her head just slightly while keeping her gaze on the snowcapped mountain before her. 

“You look like an angel out here, Sweetness,” he said, encircling his arms around her from behind.  Kayla leaned her head back into the crook of his neck.  “What are ya thinkin’ about?” 

“I just wish we didn’t have to leave.”

“Yeah,” Steve said, kissing her temple, “our flight’s at the crack of dawn.”

They stood there swaying for several minutes, taking in their last waking hours in this place that had been so special and important to them.  Steve could feel the contented smile on his wife’s face.  But he could sense that something was going through her head, too.  When he asked her about it, she didn’t try to gloss over it.

“We’re so happy and content right now.  These last few days have been incredible.”

“Yes, they have, baby.”

“I’m just … what happens when we get back to Salem?”  Steve didn’t stop their swaying, but Kayla felt him tense up.  “I don’t mean what happens to us,” she said as she reached up a hand to tousle her husband’s hair.  “I just mean that this is idyllic here.  It’s so peaceful.  And we’ve worked out so much.  No one needs anything from us, there aren’t any distractions, and … we know where we’re going to bed every night.”

So that was it, Steve realized with some relief. 

“You’re worried that the real world is gonna be harder on us than this little sanctuary we’ve been hunkered down in for the last two weeks?”

Kayla shrugged then turned around to face him as she leaned against the balustrade.  She played her hands over the lapels of Steve’s robe.  “I don’t think I’m worried.  It’s more that I need to know what happens when we get back.”

“We stay together, Kayla, how can you doubt that?”

Where?” she asked very pointedly.   I don’t doubt that we stay together, I just don’t know where we do it”

“We do it wherever and whenever we want,” he jibed as he reached down to squeeze her bottom.

“Would you cut it out,” she chuckled.  “I mean it, have you given it any thought?”

“Not really,” he replied with enough confusion to make Kayla feel more apprehensive, not less.  “Kayla,” Steve continued, “don’t tell me you’re not worried, ‘cause you are.  Why?”

“Because it’s going to be a lot harder than these last two weeks have been.”

“The other night was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  Living with you back home is gonna be a cakewalk.”

There was no humor in this, Steve was very solemn about that fight.  Kayla knew this and backtracked before it got weird, here.  She pulled open Steve’s robe and dropped a very loving kiss on the hilt of his tattoo.  “What I meant,” she tried again, “is that I know we’ll need to find somewhere to live, because this amazing hotel room in this beautiful resort surrounded by the pristine nature all around us isn’t coming with us on the plane.  I wish it was, because all of this,” she looked out onto the lake and then back at him, “has meant everything to me, Steve.  And I just want to know where you want to make this fresh start for us.”

Now Steve understood.  And he was a little surprised by it.  “Sweetness, I just assumed I’d move into your apartment.  It didn’t dawn on me that you’d want to move out.”

“Really?  It didn’t dawn on me that you would want to live there.”

“Why?  Because Justin did?”

“Well … yeah.” 

“He’s not livin’ there now, is he?”

Kayla shoved her hip out and cocked her head at him with some annoyance.  “What do you think?”

“Relax, baby, I’m joking.”

“Not funny.”

“I’m just sayin’, three’s a crowd.”


“Ok, ok,” he smiled even though she wasn’t – because he was enjoying teasing her, strange as the subject matter was, “really, though, I don’t have a problem moving in there.”

Kayla studied him for a few beats before replying.  “You’re sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Because I lived there on my own before I lived there with Justin.”


“I still have all your things in storage.  I’d never throw them out, we can get them.”

“I know.”

I mean, it was just me.  It’s small, I didn’t need the house living all by myself.”

“I know, baby.”

 “So, it was just me there for months before—”

“Sweetness,” he cut her off with a finger to her lips, “shh.  I get what you’re saying now.  No, I hadn’t given it any thought, ‘cause I didn’t feel like I needed a whole new place.”

Kayla saw that Steve meant it; he didn’t seem to have any reservations about it.  But she knew her husband.  “I just don’t want you to feel like it’s not where you belong – like it’s not … ours.”

Steve smiled.  “I get it,” he said before bending his head to kiss her sweetly.  “I’m territorial.”  He gave her another kiss.  “I get jealous.”  Then another.  “I know.”  Kayla grinned through this, licking her lips between kisses.  “But haven’t I always been a practical dude, too?”  Kayla shrugged a nod, and Steve held her two hands in his own.  “When we land, you have that long shift at the hospital overnight, right?”  Kayla nodded.  “Then I’ll sleep at Hope’s one more night, because I wanna come home to you.  But then I’m happy at your apartment.”

“Our apartment.”

Steve smiled.  “Our apartment.  Sweetness … I don’t care where we live.  As long as I’m laying my head down at night with you laying yours next to me, then that’s home.  You’re home, Sweetness.  You’re always my home.” 

“We’ve lived in a lot of them,” Kayla said. 

“No, baby.  Not me.  I’ve only ever had one home.  You.” 

“I love you so much,” she said.  Steve always knew how to melt her heart.

Steve and Kayla had purchased quite a lot here in Banff, but between making sure as much of their stuff had been laundered as possible and using her amazing sense of space management, she’d found a way to get almost everything into Steve’s suitcase.  The few items that hadn’t made it in there yet Kayla would deal with in the morning.  Which was coming fast, because they had to be up by 3am in order to get to the airport for their early morning flight out of Calgary.  So they spent their very last night in this bed cuddling and making out a bit, but for the sake of not oversleeping the flight, they were out before the sun was fully set on the night. 

In what felt like barely the wink of an eye, Kayla’s phone alarm was buzzing.  She grabbed it and turned it off, the screen illuminating the darkened room.  Where she saw that for the first time since they’d gotten here to Lake Louise that Steve was not in bed next to her when she woke up.  She immediately heard the shower going in the adjoining bathroom, however, and was a little disappointed.  Just about every morning since they’d arrived, one or the other of them had pawed at each other with sleepy morning arousal; this was the first time Kayla had woken up alone. 

Kayla felt that Steve’s pillow was still warm.  She snuggled up to it and smelled her husband’s scent.  She closed her eyes and wished for more time here.  Alas, she knew it wasn’t to be.  But the memories they’d be taking with then would be beautiful.

Kayla opened her eyes and looked out into the darkened sky.  Then she turned her head toward the shower and smiled.  “I think we have time for one more memory,” she said.

The Belvedere Suite’s master bathroom was very different from the one in the North Dakota hotel in which they’d started this journey.  The brown marble tile was offset by creamy tans, bringing warmth to the large space.  The glass walls of the shower ran floor-to-ceiling with a power showerhead in the traditional position, plus an oversized rain showerhead in the ceiling.  A ledge about waist-height separated the shower from the tub, both of which faced the sinks and bathroom mirror.  Given the hour, Steve had the lights on low, but he still saw it when his wife appeared in the doorway.  She stood there silent and naked, and Steve could see exactly what was on her mind. 

“Something I can do for you, Sweetness?” he asked, the acoustics making his voice even sexier than it always was.

Kayla sauntered slowly to the glass door, her half-lidded eyes smoldering at him.  Her nipples were already as erect as Steve’s penis was becoming.  She opened the door and slipped into the shower, the hot water immediately warming her from the chill in the room.  Steve closed the door behind her and sucked in his breath when Kayla immediately took his growing length in her soft hand.

“I’m ready for this now,” she said. 

Steve leered at her and replied with a tease.  “I dunno, baby, I think we got some last minute packing to do.  I gotta make sure I get nice and clean.”

She could see how much he was trying to keep his cool as she stroked him.  “Your mind’s on the clock, then?” Kayla replied with a voice so sexy Steve was going to have a hard time keeping up the charade.

“Right now my mind’s on something that rhymes with clock.  But you know how time is, Sweetness.  It just marches right on.”  He then squeezed out some of the body wash that was already in his hands when Kayla walked into the bathroom and rubbed it across his chest.

“Mm.  Well, then I guess we should be real good, then, shouldn’t we?”  Kayla dropped her husband’s now considerably hard erection and stifled a grin when he let out a small groan.  She took the body wash from him, squeezed some out, and worked it over her belly, breasts, and neck.  She closed her eyes and sighed.  When she opened them, Steve was staring in uninhibited hunger.

Steve watched Kayla rub her breasts with her soapy palms.  He joined them with his own, fondling them with lust he wasn’t going to bother covering.  “You know what you are, baby?”  Kayla shook her head.  “You are straight up horny.”

Kayla smiled like a devil.  “What gave it away?”  She took his penis in her hand again and stroked him slowly up and down.  “Feel good?”

Steve blinked slowly with the eroticism.  “Feels real good.” 

“You know what I want to feel, Steve?” 

“My cock inside you?”

“Mm-hmm,” she replied.  “And I want to feel it right here.”  Kayla fingered her clitoris lightly while her other hand continued to pleasure her husband.

“You like teasing me baby?”

“You love when I tease you.”  The pleasure she was giving herself drove him wild. 

“I love when you show me how you want it.”

“Good.  ‘Cause I like showing you.  I like how bad it makes you want me.”

Steve slid his fingers through Kayla’s wet folds, replacing her fingers with his.  “Is this the spot you want?” he asked.  She nodded as Steve brought the hand that had just been touching herself to his lips and sucked her fingers into his mouth.  It was a wanton, carnal act, and it excited Kayla to watch him do it.  “You taste sweet, baby.  Sweet as pie.” Kayla kissed him, then licked her lips of his kiss; it made Steve want to bury himself inside her.  “You’re so sexy,” he said as he rubbed her clitoris a little harder.  “You want my cock right here?”  Kayla nodded again. 

Steve removed his fingers from her center and wanted to possess her when she whimpered with need. 

“Come back,” she commanded.  She dropped her own hand from his penis and nipped at the flesh beneath the hilt of her husband’s dagger. 

“God, I love it when you do that.”  She nipped again, then bathed the spot with her tongue.  “You’re a bad girl, Kayla,” he said lustfully.

“You like it when I’m bad?”  Steve smiled with arrogant licentiousness.  “You want me to be bad, Steve?”

He did.  He really did.  He loved when his wife talked dirty to him.  He loved it when she teased him.  And he loved that when she was worked up like she was right now that she did, too.  The words weren’t right the other night.  But they were now.  And they both wanted to use them.  The right way.

Steve pulled Kayla to him roughly by the rear and leaned her up against the half wall.  He ground his cock against her and kissed her hard, seeking out her tongue as she moaned into his kiss.  He slid his tongue down her neck to the crook of her shoulder and sucked.  Kayla was now on fire. 

“I love you,” he whispered hotly into her ear.  He dipped his head to the same spot and sucked harder.  Kayla dug her nails into the flesh of Steve’s back before he moved to her breasts.  She cried out when he bit at them as she’d done to his tattoo.  He stuck two fingers inside of her and ground his thumb not that gently against her swollen bud.  “I love how wet I make you when I rub your clit like this.”  Kayla moaned his name, and he swallowed it with a hot kiss.  Then he pulled back to look her in the eye. “I love when you talk dirty to me.  I love it because I love you.”  Steve caressed Kayla’s wet hair back off her forehead with his free hand as their eyes connected.  Kayla licked her lips and smoldered drunkenly back at him.  “So, yeah,” he barely whispered.  “I wanna fuck your brains out.  And I want you to be bad.”

Kayla let how good this felt show on her face.  She wanted Steve to see that she loved it as much as he did.  “Do you feel how wet I am?”  She covered the hand he was working at her center with her own; the feel of him pleasuring her was so erotic as she pushed his hand harder against her. 

“God, Kayla.”

“I want you to see my face when I come.  To see how much I love you.  I want to make you scream my name and know I’m yours,” she panted.  “I want you to make me come over and over again until I can’t take it anymore.  And then I want you to make me come again.”  Kayla leaned in to kiss Steve’s dagger again, lingering before giving a final command to her husband in her most erotic, low register.  “And I want you to fuck me.”

Steve removed his fingers and lifted her left leg by the back of the knee.  Then he grunted in pure, animal sexuality as he bent his knees and thrust himself hotly up into his wife. 

“Yes!” Kayla cried out, arching her back against the low wall.  She rolled her hips as he thrust hard and fast.  This position missed her clit, but it stroked another part of her making her moan hotly.

“My cock hittin’ your g-spot, baby?  My cock getting you hot?”

“You get me hot, Steve! 

“Tell me how it feels,” he commanded between breaths.

“So good … Steve … it feels … so good.”  The excitement of her words got Steve very close to the edge very quickly, and Kayla could see him start to lose himself in the ecstasy of it.  “Not yet,” she huffed.  “My pussy needs more from you first.”

Steve felt unrestrained sex course through him.  He wanted to come hard, and he wanted to make sure she did, too.  Without a word he withdrew from her wet center and cursed at the pause in buildup.  He stroked his hands up and down her body while they ate at each other’s lips. 

Kayla tore herself away to turn around and lean against the ledge.  Steve fondled her perfect ass and fingered her opening.  The sexual pleasure he gave her just in his touch made him feel like a man.  Like her man.

They now faced the bathroom mirror through the glass wall and never took their eyes off each other as Steve drove his cock into her from behind. 

“Fuck … you feel so good, baby!”  He could tell from her steady pants that he could make her come this way, but he was in a greedy frenzy.  So he reached down and rubbed her clitoris, too, immediately eliciting cries of pleasure from her.  “That’s right, Kayla, I wanna hear it!”

Kayla rolled her hips back and into her husband’s thrusting erection and watched his ministrations in the mirror.  She felt intoxicated as he lit her up inside, but it was her clit that ignited her into orgasm first.  “Yes!  Yes!” she moaned, “I’m coming!  I’m coming!” 

“Watch with me!  I want you to see it!”

They both watched in the mirror as the waves of pleasure shook her body.  Steve kept rubbing her clit while she came and felt powerful while she whimpered in coital bliss.  “So beautiful,” Steve huffed.  “You’re so sexy … when you come.”  He felt the hot cum release from inside her against his dick and finally dropped his hand from her center.  But he didn’t stop the rhythmic drive of his cock; he wanted that vaginal orgasm for her, too, before she started to come down.

Steve kissed her neck and held on to her breasts, rubbing his wet thumbs over her stiff nipples.  “Oh God, Steve!” Kayla moaned, “yesssss!”  She bent over farther, her ass in the air, and he moved his hands to grip her firmly by the hips. 

“You wanna come again.”  It was a command.  “You want me to fuck you some more before I come inside you.”

“More … Fuck me some more … Don’t stop!”

Steve’s tip found her g-spot again, and this time, their position wasn’t just good, it was perfect for the stimulation.  It took only moments for her vagina to begin pulsing in an intense vaginal orgasm.  The sounds coming out of his wife were so erotic that hearing them brought Steve to the edge, himself.  The feel of her vaginal walls tightly squeezing his dick was amazing, but Steve expertly held back when he felt himself try to climax.  It was torture, but it was exquisite.  He felt that rush begin as she moaned her pleasure and didn’t know if he’d be able to take it, but he didn’t want this to end and was able to keep himself from going over the edge.   

Kayla’s clit was still stimulated even as her second orgasm finished rushing over her.  She stood on shaky legs and had to lean heavily against the ledge.  Steve withdrew from her and she turned so he could hold her.

The water fell upon them as Kayla burrowed her head into her husband’s chest.  She felt like pure bliss.

“Watchin’ us in the mirror … that was intense, baby.” 

“Mm-hmm,” she cooed with a kiss to his pec.  “But I don’t think we’re done yet.”

“Oh no?” he replied innocently while also rubbing his rock hard erection against her belly.  “Are you sure, you feel pretty content to me.”

“Mm-hmm.  Pretty sure.”

“So you’re not content, then?”

“Oh, I’m very content.  But I think we skipped your turn.”

“Wait, I get a turn, too?”

Kayla giggled.  “You get a big turn.”  She said.

Steve let Kayla guide him to sit down on the ledge she’d just been leaning against.  She jerked as she slid down over his cock, the tight bundle of nerves he’d been grinding against still overstimulated.  But as she glided her clitoris over him, slowly at first, the intensity quickly gave way to a new orgasmic build up inside her.  Her rhythmic cries matched the rhythm of her movements over his cock, and Steve wanted nothing more than to pour his cum into her.

Steve held his wife by the small of her back with his right hand and licked the water off the breast he held to his mouth with his left.  He flicked his tongue over her nipple and moaned when she squeezed herself around him.  He suckled and licked and felt an arrogant lust in knowing he was going to make her come a third time.    

“I saw you … holding back,” Kayla said as she slid up and down.  She gave him an erotic kiss and licked his lips.  “I could feel every time you wanted to come …” she kissed him again, “but didn’t.”

“Had to wait … so I could give you what you want.  Keep making you come.”

“You loved watching me come.”

“I did,” Steve said.  Then he latched on to that same spot on Kayla’s neck that would make her groin tingle.  He was leaving a mark.  “I love looking at you … when you come apart,” he said between hard sucks. 

Steve pulled back and looked at the evidence of his handiwork.  It turned him on to know that mark would be there when he next made love to her.

Kayla smiled so sweetly, then squeezed herself tightly around him again and reached down to fondle where they were connected.

Steve moaned hotly then repeated what he’d said just minutes ago.  “You’re so bad … and so sweet.”

Kayla sped up her movements.  Steve brought her lips to his by the back of her neck and lavished her with kisses while they both reached for their orgasms. 

“Can’t stop …,” he grunted.  “Kayla … I can’t stop … it’s too good … you’re so fucking good!”

Kayla’s third climax was within reach, and she loved that Steve was looking so intensely at her in this moment as she felt that desperation to come.  She couldn’t form words, all she could do was move in rhythm with her husband.

“I’m almost there, Kayla!  Come one more time for me!”  Kayla rubbed her clit hard against Steve’s cock and felt herself start to pulse around him.  “That’s it, baby!  Oh … yes!  God, Kayla!”  She cried out his name and closed her eyes as the orgasm reached her.  “Look at me, Sweetness!  There’s nothing I love to look at more when you come than your beautiful eyes!” 

“I love you!” she whimpered with need.  “So much!”  Kayla slid over him with three more hard rolls of her hips, then shook with passion as the third orgasm rushed through her.  Kayla’s eyes watered with the depth of Steve’s gaze.  Their connection was as absolute as the sexual pleasure.

Steve couldn’t take another moment.  He held Kayla’s face in his hands even as she continued to shudder, and then came hard inside of his wife.  He screamed her name in unbelievable euphoria.  The repeated, excruciating pleasure he could just barely touch but not quite reach had finally given him this orgasm that sent him outside his body.  The white streams lurched powerfully from his cock, filling her up with his love.  If he hadn’t been sitting on the ledge he would have collapsed. 

This time it was Kayla’s turn to watch Steve, the apogee of his pleasure splayed across his face in perfect rapture.  She caressed his face his her hand and placed loving kisses all over as he continued to spasm inside her.  Finally Steve opened his eye and looked at her.  He could swear she glowed.  “You look … like an angel, Kayla,” he panted in wonder, “… you look … just like an angel.”

Kayla clasped on to him with every part of her body.  “You’re beautiful, too,” she barely whispered.  “You’re so beautiful, too.”

Steve panted as his long orgasm finally gave way to the pleasant ache of recovery in his belly.  And now all he wanted to do was hold his wife against him and never let go.  Neither one of them could stand, so they slid down the back, tile wall of the shower and let the water fall upon them as they held each other.

“Sweetness,” Steve finally said in a tender voice that bellied the wanton one he’d used before.  “That was incredible.  Do you know how much I love you?”

“I love you, too.  I love you so much.”

“Are you ok, baby?”  They were still catching their breath.  “It was so intense.  Are you ok?”

“I’m good,” she cooed.  “I’m so good.”  She dug her head into his chest, and Steve kissed the top of her head.   “Are you?”

Steve laughed.  “Well, I’m not sure I can walk after that, you might have to carry me if I can’t make my legs move.”

“Wait, who’s gonna carry me?” she chuckled.

Steve tipped her chin up to him and kissed her sweetly.  “Really, though, you sure you’re ok?  Nothin’ hurts?  ‘Cause that was … a lot for you.”

Kayla nodded and stroked a finger down his patch.  “It was wonderful.  I loved every minute of it.”

Steve smiled.  “Me, too.”

“I wanna do it again as soon as we get home.  We have to make up for lost time.”  Steve’s kiss was tender, with just enough tongue to tell her how much he liked that idea.  “But, Steve?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Now that we’ve had this shower … we’re gonna need another shower.”

Steve gave her a lopsided smile.  “Good thing we’re already in the shower.”

They spent their precious few last minutes here in Lake Louise holding each other in their afterglows under the warm water, neither of them willing to end this moment until they absolutely had to.  Somehow they made it out of there without calling for assistance and got themselves ready to go. 

Still dark as night, Steve went to the lobby to check out while Kayla got the last minute toiletries into the suitcase.  It was bigger than it looked, but it had its limits, so yesterday they took a trip to the post office to mail back a few items, like a couple of their new outfits, Jennifer’s shoes, and some gifts.  It was that or buy more luggage, and she already had more than enough at home, they didn’t need more.  It was still an awfully tight fit, so she was going to have to wear the white, cardigan sweater over her new Ted Baker floral blouse.  If Steve hadn’t bought that obscenely large and unforgiving box of cigars for John, maybe she could have had an easier time, but those couldn’t legally be mailed, so they were stuck with them.  She had to sit on the suitcase old school to get it to close and just hoped Steve didn’t have anything else that needed to go in there, because once it was zipped, it had to stay that way.

Kayla caught sight of the hickey peeking out low on her neckline as she put on the sweater.  She smiled at herself in the mirror as she felt it; it was a good memory.  This outfit was a good memory, too.  Steve had picked it out for her that first day they went shopping.

“I like this,” he had said as he held it up to himself in the boutique in downtown Banff.

“Hmm,” she said in mocked contemplation.  “I think it’ll wash you out.”

“Well, good thing it ain’t gonna be hangin’ on me, then,” Steve replied.  “I like you in flowers, Sweetness.  Pretty, just like you.”

Now fully packed, Kayla took one more look around the room.  She went onto the terrace and absorbed the positive energy from the stone beneath her fingers.  The sun was going to be rising soon, but the lake was still gorgeous, even in the pre-dawn night.  She sighed and went back in for one more task before they left.

Opening the closet, Kayla picked up her balled up wedding dress from the floor.  She hung it very gingerly on a hanger, fixed the misshapen collar, and smoothed out the wrinkles.  The delicate embroidery was none the worse for wear, and given some time, the beautiful weave of the fabric would straighten back out into its lovely A-line.  She stared at it in her arms, feeling the weight of it for the last time.  Then she hung it up on the rod.  “Thank you,” she whispered.  She exhaled deeply and gave the dress a small smile.  Then she closed the closet door.

Kayla heard Steve’s footfalls on the spiral staircase just before he appeared at the top of the stairs to grab the now heavy suitcase.  “Ready to go, Sweetness?” he asked.

Kayla walked into her husband’s arms, wrapped her own around his neck, and laid her lips upon his with tenderness and undying love.  They lingered in that bubble for only a few moments, but they felt the powerful devotion of their souls that would last beyond this lifetime and into the next.  They broke from the kiss, and Steve stroked the back of his hand down the side of his wife’s face. 

“Yes,” she finally answered him.  “I have everything I need.”

The End

15 thoughts on “Lake Louise – Chapter 8

  1. Pingback: Lake Louise - Chapter 7 - Ayalla Blackwell

  2. Cindi Arms

    I enjoyed you fanfic. Good understanding of the characters and of all the things the writers never addressed over the years. Good sex scenes, too – and that is not easy!

  3. KR

    I did not reply at the end of each chapter because I could not wait to read the next.
    Thank you for giving us fans what the shows writers could not. I feel as satisfy as Steve and Kayla. Would love to read more

    1. ayallablackwell Post author

      Aww! Thank you for bingeing Lake Louise, that’s the best compliment! It’s funny, I have friends who basically kind of made me write this in-between, offscreen reunion between SK, and I’m just so glad they did, because it was cathartic for me, too! And now that I’ve done so much research on Banff, I can’t wait to go and see it, myself! I’ll never make it to the teahouse, that hike would kill me, I’ll just have to follow them on Insta.

  4. Jess

    This was beautiful and raw. We never really saw the fallout of Kayla and Justin much like we’ve never seen Steve deal with Kayla being with Shane (a time we’d all like to forget!). Thanks for this.

    1. ayallablackwell Post author

      Thanks, Jess. I feel like it wouldn’t have taken that much more to show us some dialogue of fallout. I hope what I invented fills that void a little. It’s funny, Kayla wore that dress recently for something, and I was like, NO NO NO, that dress is still in a closet in Canada! 😂

  5. Frances Bell

    I stumbled upon this after finding this on Twitter and WOW this was incredible. I’m a huge Steve and Kayla fan and this is exactly how I imagine and picture them to be even at this stage in their lives. You have definitely filled in some of the voids I think we as viewers have regarding the writing and I loved how you intertwined this story with some of the actual writing as it appeared on Days. I was never comfortable with Steve leaving Africa and Kayla for moving on with Justin amongst other things but I do believe your writing has made it so much more believable and valid now and connected so many dots as to the reasons they did what they did (running away etc). I have to agree with the commenter above too…great sex scenes too 🙂 but they were written in such a way that was realistic without being smutty and reflective of their nature and relationship. They are passionate couple and their soulmates so your writing made them so believable. You should write for the show because the viewers need so much more of the holes addressed as someone else mentioned above. It’s funny, I know this is fan fiction but I am going to pretend that everything you wrote is how it happened for Steve and Kayla on Days because you made it seem so real i.e. it would have been good for the show to see more of Kayla’s guilt and accountability/fallout from the bionic eye and for not searching for Steve and what you wrote makes perfect sense. At present on Days, Steve and Kayla are at a good place and have been pretty much since the end of this story so I hope it continues that way. I really look forward to reading more of your work and I hope you continue to do much more Steve and Kayla stories, especially in the present day. Thank you again.

    1. ayallablackwell Post author

      Oh my goodness, Frances, what a beautiful comment! I’m so grateful for your very thoughtful words. I, as a fan, am so very much missing fallout scenes and seeing Steve and Kayla relating to each other after these kids if high drama elements of their story. The way the writing is these days, we’re really lucky to have had those scenes in the north Dakota hotel room. They weren’t enough, though, so I was motivated to fill in the gaps. I’m so very glad you loved the story! I do alot gap fiing in my other Story, Find Me, also on this site. It’s ALOT longer. Hopefully, if you read that one (it’s a commitment!), you’ll like that fallout, too. But thank you for reading Lake Louise! Your comments made my day!

      1. Frances Bell

        Oh my pleasure! I read your comment above about Kayla wearing her wedding dress again. It was on Beyond Salem. 😂. Seriously, great work! You made it sound so logical about their feelings and the fallout after what had happened after the Justin wedding. And given what we’ve seen on the show since this story, apart from a few minor details, everything you wrote falls into line. Can I ask one question? I know Steve was away for 2 years after Steve got arrested for espionage. After he was released, was he trying to clear his name for a whole year before being abducted by Dimera’s men? (I..e. First year he was away to clear his name and second year he got abducted and microchipped)? I can’t recall this period of time when the episodes aired! Thanks!

        1. ayallablackwell Post author

          You can ask as many questions as you like!! So there was a scene, I think around Xmas, where Steve sends Kayla flowers, she’s in the hospital doctoring near the nurses station. I *believe* those were when I’m envisioning he was already nabbed. So yes, he had the surgery, then he’s arrested for espionage, then he gets out to clear his name. That’s all off camera. It’s right then when he’s released that he gets taken and chipped. He then spends some time being conditioned, and at, what new years? That’s when he comes back as stevano. She sends him divorce papers while he’s kidnapped and chipped and being conditioned. That whole period of time from arrest to Justin wedding is 2 years. I believe. The time jump was also part of that, and it really confused things. I often forget it happened.

          It’s really rough for me with the Justin relationship. I get why they put those two together, but I think there was alot they could have done to give us the drama and make things make sense that they just chose not to do. I mean I hated the marina SL, who didn’t hate that? But the drama sn and mbe were able to play as a result was unreal. Gorgeous, meaningful work. So at least the awful SL had something there. Same with this. Ugh, but at least there was work that they could have done similarly here. It’s infuriating.

          1. ayallablackwell Post author

            I’m having some trouble with that form and can’t seem to get to the messages. I’m sorry! I’m going to keep trying, but in the meantime, if you want to reach out, please drop me am email at [email protected]. So sorry about that!

  6. Frances Bell

    Hi Ayalla, it’s Frances. I saw your comment the other day about not getting my message through your contact form and I wanted to write you. I think you provided your email address via a comment but you must have deleted the comment. Is it OK for me to message you? Thanks.


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